"The Gentle Barn is under attack from the known cyber stalker, Mary Cummins. Please read this blog so you can know the truth! We do great work in the world and will continue to shine our light and spread our love! Please share!"
#TheGentleBarn #CyberStalker #MaryCummins #TheGentleBarnMaryCummins #Barn #Farm #Rescue #Sanctuary #Animals
This is my original post which is 100% honest. This post is 99% just cut/paste legal documents.
Here is the cease and desist I just sent.
from: Mary Cummins
to: info@gentlebarn.org
date: Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 3:01 PM
subject: Cease and desist, Gentle Barn, Ellie Yaks
"What you have posted in this blog post is 99% false.
It is defamation per se besides harassment. If you do not remove this within 24 hours, you will be guilty of defamation per se with malice. I will then sue you, Ellie Yaks, and the Gentle Barn. Your entire board of directors will be liable for this lawsuit. I will be sending this to your lawyers.
Please, cease and desist from harassing, cyberstalking, defaming, slandering and libeling me. What I posted about you is 100% the truth backed by pure facts and statements from your own mother, brother, ex-employees who sued you and volunteers. 99% of my blog post about you is just copy/past absolute facts with underlying documents. What you posted about me is not only totally false but extremely bizarre.
Mary Cummins
cc: Gentle Barn Attorneys"
#fraud #scam #ellendegeneres #gentlebarn #mygentlebarn #ellielaks #yaellaks #book #drugaddict #crazy #facebook #blog #gentlebarn.org #animalneglect #farn #animal #rescue #animalcruelty #60cows #donation #irs #attorneygeneral
Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.
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