Channel: Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Wildlife Rehabilitation Los Angeles, California
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Officials kill stray dogs before Sochi Olympics. Los Angeles does the same before public events.

Los Angeles Animal Services rounds up stray dogs before public events in South Los Angeles

Everyone is extremely upset that officials in Sochi, Russia are killing stray dogs before the 2014 Winter Olympics. People should realize that most if not all US cities round up stray dogs before public events. Here in the City of Los Angeles they round up strays before the Jazz Festival, Bolero Festival and other events in South Los Angeles. The animals are taken to the shelter. As they are generally unowned feral dogs they are most likely euthanized.

From a Los Angeles city council motion about stray dogs in LA.

"There are increasing incidences of stray and packing dogs roaming the City. The Dept of Animal Services estimates the stray dog population to be as high as 44,000 citywide. The majority of these animals are concentrated in South Central Los Angeles (CDs 8 and 9) and the San Fernando Valley (CDs 3, 7 and 12). Stray and packing dogs are a nuisance, add to pet overpopulation, and cause a public health problem. More importantly these dogs are frequently vicious, seriously threatening the safety of City residents as evidenced by attacks on adults, children, pets and Animal Control Officers attempting to manage the problem. The Dept of Animal Services established the Special Enforcement Unit (SEU) in 1997 to respond specifically to community complaints about stray and packing dogs. The unit is currently staffed with three Animal Control Officers and one supervisor for citywide enforcement."

Here is a trailer for the movie "Street dogs of LA." We have a big problem with stray dogs in South LA and the valley. Where I live I see one stray dog a year with ten people trying to catch it. In South LA I see five stray dogs per block and people are running away from them. There are dead dogs in the street who have been killed by cars. I found a dead dog that was burned to death in a shopping cart. I picked up Buddy the dog from this same area so I'm very familiar.


Before the Bolero and Jazz festivals in South Los Angeles the Department of Animal Services rounds up stray dogs. These are not city events but events owned by others. If there will be food, strays dogs would be attracted to the food, trash and end up in the events. The City  rounds them up for fear they may bite people. Because the city feels these events are in the best interest of the city they will waive event costs. Event costs include animal round up, extra trash pick up, extra trash cans, traffic control... which amount to $5,000 to $30,000 per event. City Council waives these fees on motion. Below is the general language of the motions.

"I FURTHER MOVE that the Department of Animal Services be directed to conduct a sweep of the area the day before the event to remove any stray dogs, and that an Animal Control Officer be available or near the vicinity during the event Saturday and Sunday, July 24 and 25-26, 2009, to pick up any stray dogs."

Los Angeles rounds up stray dogs before public events
Below are links to a few Los Angeles City motions which requested and approved the rounding up of stray dogs before an event. There are many, many other similar motions. Generally after two years city council files "expire" and are deleted.

My point in writing this is if you are upset with Sochi killing stray dogs before the Olympics, you should also be upset with the City of Los Angeles rounding up stray dogs which are most likely euthanized. We have a problem with pet overpopulation in Los Angeles.







Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

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